This is a great update! Elroy not only fixed the bbcode troubles, he also made ... drumroll... dynamically changing input boxes! Article Manager will now show you Textareas & Text-Inputboxes, that are as wide as the column you put it in with the layout manager.
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Changes in version 2.7
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Don't miss this update! It's great. |
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updated by freddiemac1993, 2013-06-14
Re: adventures
created by brittdavis10, 2012-02-23 (1 rply, 3 views)
Re: how to run phpwebsite...
created by alexander, 2011-08-25 (2 rpls, 3607 views)
Re: Forum tags
created by HaroldFaragher, 2011-08-22 (3 rpls, 8488 views)