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Introducing Polar 0.2

updated by rck, 2006-03-25
Introducing Polar 0.2

Polar 0.2rck2004, the old theme, has been online from March 2004 until now, October 2004. It's been a quick hack and was meant to be replaced earlier. I've made a new theme, it's called Polar 0.2. It will be the default theme as of today.

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Dragging users into groups

updated by rck, 2005-06-30
Dragging users into groups

Administrating users in a content management system sure can be boring. Take phpWebSite. You click on a user. You click on add to group. You scroll down, look for the next user. Oops, wrong one. Let's click on the previous one again and move it back. Aem, drop it back.

Draging and Dropping might be just the spice that's missing here and with Rico it might even be easy to implement. I made a tiny prototype.

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Cropping Images

updated by rck, 2005-06-28
Cropping Images

One reason, why Typo3 is as successful: It is integrated. It has a workflow, you don't have to leave your web browser while creating your content.

Most CMSes have some sort of image upload capability. But, well, that's about it. You can't just take the picture of your digi cam, which might be more than thousand pixels wide and tall and put it up your web site. No, you need to resize it first. And crop it.

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A hint of chess

updated by rck, 2005-06-27
A hint of chess

Granted, Ajax is right now the shooting star amongst JavaScript technologies. And it is cool, think about the improved user experience through better responsiveness. But there are other interesting JavaScipt projects too, maybe a bit hidden behind all that glamour that is Ajax.

A very cool library I discovered recently is Walter Zorn's DHTML Library, enabling programmers to support Drag N Drop amongst other things. Crossbrowser compatible.

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The age of semantic web

updated by rck, 2004-10-20
The age of semantic web

Contemporary web designers have two things in common: They all sigh about the lack of standards support in webpages. And they all try to reach table-less design. This isn't the only goal to go for.

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Breaking words with HTML

updated by rck, 2004-10-04
Breaking words with HTML

Did you ever want to do some word breaks in your Documents but didn't know, how to do that in html? Well, I don't know how to do that automatically, but there is a nice softhypen, you might like.

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Test Article for Spanish Accent

updated by rck, 2006-03-27
Test Article for Spanish Accent

Will Oración stay Oración? will á stay á, will é,í,ó,ú,ñ stay the way they should?

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Keine neuen Cliés mehr

updated by rck, 2006-03-26
Keine neuen Cliés mehr ...zumindest außerhalb Japans nicht mehr. Somit wurde der Handheldmarkt von 3 auf 2 Anbieter reduziert.

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