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Photo Albums

Photo Albums 231 - 240 of 292 Name None Description None Updated Descending
sign Lehrter Bahnhof

Berlin 13

Bachelor phase 1 of 4, Berlin 13: Lehrter Bahnhof (central train station). Seen that one from the Reichstag. It's big. 2005-04-18 21:39
Berlin remains hard Berlin Olympia Stadion

Berlin 12

Bachelor phase 1 of 4, Berlin 12: I went by the Olympia Stadion while going to Spandau. And it made me curious, so I looked around there. 2005-04-18 20:32
atomic reactor Spandau

Berlin 11

Bachelor phase 1 of 4: Berlin 11. Remember Spandau Ballet? As soon as I saw that Spandau is a district of Berlin, I wanted to go there. Also, I wanted to look how far the borders of Berlin are. 2005-04-18 20:21
Kochstrasse Checkpoint Charlie

Berlin 10

Bachelor phase 1 of 4, Berlin 10: A visit to the checkpoint charlie museum. As I knew by then how life was as of then, I wanted to know how it was back at the DDR times also. 2005-04-18 19:59
Spandau train Day 2

Berlin 9

Bachelor phase 1 of 4: Berlin 9. My second and last day in Berlin starts. 2005-04-18 13:30
sledge hill Pankow vs. Plattenbau

Berlin 8

Bachelor phase 1 of 4, Berlin 8: A short visit to Pankow and the all-famous Plattenbauten of Berlins. These photos end the first of two days in Berlin. 2005-04-18 13:06
DB Potsdammer Platz

Berlin 7

Bachelor phase 1 of 4, Berlin 7. Looking at the Potsdammer Platz. Dominated by the Daimler-Crysler building and the Sony building. Not as diverse as Alexander Platz, a bit boring even maybe. 2005-04-18 12:08
Wien bleibt Wien Hardenbergplatz

Berlin 6

Bachelor phase 1 of 4, Berlin 6: Walking around the area Hardenbergplatz. With famous stuff like Stiftung Warentest, the CDU building and alota other buildings. 2005-04-17 22:41
kz monument 2 Reichstag

Berlin 5

Bachelor phase 1 of 4, Berlin 5: In and around the world famous (huge!) Reichstag. I thought the Alexanderplatz was pretty big. But its really small compared to the Reichstag... I couldn't possible capture it's size with my cam. 2005-04-17 21:52
toleranz Alexanderplatz

Berlin 4

Bachelor phase 1 of 4: Berlin 4. The Alexanderplatz was the DDRs way of showing off. A bunch of huge, monumental buildings which don't really relate to each other put on one big place. Korneuburg could easily fit in the place... Big, huge, don't know how to describe it. 2005-04-17 01:02
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