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Photo Albums

Photo Albums 51 - 100 of 292 Name None Description Ascending Updated None
steak Munich Cusine


A selection of food of the Siemens Cantina in Munich. It didn't only look good but also tasted that way. 2006-11-19 22:06
Cascade Munich Castle Nymphburg


A tip from a local hair cutter in Munich: Go visit that castle. It was a nice walk there, it has a huge castle park. And it's nicer than the english garden (which is ok, though). 2006-07-22 18:08
metro shop Moscow Habor Tour


A tour on my own. In Moscow, at one of the habors. With my trusty tripod and some hours of time on my hands. Some pictures turned out nice. 2007-10-11 19:17
steam engine Weinviertl Draisine Grand Opening


a way of saving train rails from rot is to use them in a different way. 2007-10-03 15:23
more to come... Lustige Meldungen

Was mir so unterkommt

Ab und zu kommen Meldungen auf meinen Schirm, die ich archivieren möchte. 2005-02-02 00:32
VW Karmann Ghia 1966 Oldtimer 2006 Vehicles


Actual Vehicles from the Oldtimer Meeting 2006 in Korneuburg 2007-10-03 19:58
Frog View Full Moon Construction Site


After being away from home for a couple of day, a big construction site awaited me were once a street was. It was full moon, I took pictures. 2006-09-08 10:52
wolfgang Bachelor Party

The second event

After being to Berlin in February, it's been about time to party with friends. 2005-04-10 19:51
traffic 2 Gyorgy left


After being with out project longer than I have, Gyorgy is leaving for a better payed job. 2007-09-29 17:56
Katja 2 Moscow Park Experiments


After the museum tour, Katja and I met Andre. We went to a nice park and did some experimental photos. 2007-09-01 21:03
moth Zwentendorf Insects


Alas, the insects at the Zwentendorf power plant (formerly planned to be atomic) did not mutate. 2007-08-05 18:29
rapper Mongolian Show Acts


All kind of show acts from the Mongolian festival 2009 in Vienna. 2009-07-13 13:00
fireworks 3 Korneuburg Stadtfest 2007 Event


All that's been interesting at the Korneuburg Town party 2007 2007-10-03 15:18
interview 2 Oldtimer 2007 Event


All the interesting stuff from the Oldtimer Event 2007 in Korneuburg 2007-10-03 15:05
picture NÖ Tage der offenen Ateliers


An diesem Wochenende öffneten verschiedene Ateliers in Niederösterreich ihre Pforten. 2007-10-03 15:47
couple Can Birthday Home


and here's the second part of Can's birthday party 2007 2007-11-04 20:01
serdar 2 Alper Housewarming Party


And it was about time, too. 2007-03-07 23:42
andi 8 Andi Session 1


Andi at Dusk in Leobendorf and Spillern 2009-02-09 20:54
truck Impressions of Budapest 2


Another lazy day with my colleagues 2007-08-07 21:09
Christian Gepp 2 Dragonboat Race 2007


Another new event in Korneuburg's old habor. A lot of people rowing to become the best. 2007-10-03 15:01
canola Andi Session 2


Another shooting with Andi, this time in spring during daytime. Again in district Korneuburg, of course. 2009-05-09 01:53
climber Stockerau Potatoe Celebration 2007


Another year, another Stockerau potatoe celebration. Too bad, there was bad weather. 2007-10-03 15:08
Sinem 2 Colleagues at home party


As I'm changing my department, I held a little party at my home. 2007-02-10 12:04
Depeche Mode 1 April 1st, 2004

Scherze zum 1. April 2004

auch am 1. April 2004 gab's ein paar lustige Zeitgenossen, die armen Leuten einen Scherz spielten. Ein paar der Juxe aus dem Internet sind in diesem Photoalbum verewigt. 2004-04-02 19:03
21 Sushi Session, 2004-05b

Versuch 2

Auch dieser 2. Anlauf ist nicht vollständig. Der Akku war bei der Aufnahme plötzlich aus, die "Wiederanlaufphase" hat meine Videokarte nicht verkraftet... Dritter (und letzter?) Teil folgt! 2004-06-01 10:24
Kochstrasse Checkpoint Charlie

Berlin 10

Bachelor phase 1 of 4, Berlin 10: A visit to the checkpoint charlie museum. As I knew by then how life was as of then, I wanted to know how it was back at the DDR times also. 2005-04-18 19:59
Berlin remains hard Berlin Olympia Stadion

Berlin 12

Bachelor phase 1 of 4, Berlin 12: I went by the Olympia Stadion while going to Spandau. And it made me curious, so I looked around there. 2005-04-18 20:32
sign Lehrter Bahnhof

Berlin 13

Bachelor phase 1 of 4, Berlin 13: Lehrter Bahnhof (central train station). Seen that one from the Reichstag. It's big. 2005-04-18 21:39
Maritim Friedrichstrasse

Berlin 14

Bachelor phase 1 of 4, Berlin 14. The Friedrichstraße. Famous, famous... I've also included the interesting Alice-Advertising campaign here. It's for a DSL-Internet access, go figure... 2005-04-18 21:58
party artefacts East Berlin

Berlin 3

Bachelor phase 1 of 4, Berlin 3: walking through East Berlin. Quite moving... :-) 2005-04-17 00:09
kz monument 2 Reichstag

Berlin 5

Bachelor phase 1 of 4, Berlin 5: In and around the world famous (huge!) Reichstag. I thought the Alexanderplatz was pretty big. But its really small compared to the Reichstag... I couldn't possible capture it's size with my cam. 2005-04-17 21:52
Wien bleibt Wien Hardenbergplatz

Berlin 6

Bachelor phase 1 of 4, Berlin 6: Walking around the area Hardenbergplatz. With famous stuff like Stiftung Warentest, the CDU building and alota other buildings. 2005-04-17 22:41
DB Potsdammer Platz

Berlin 7

Bachelor phase 1 of 4, Berlin 7. Looking at the Potsdammer Platz. Dominated by the Daimler-Crysler building and the Sony building. Not as diverse as Alexander Platz, a bit boring even maybe. 2005-04-18 12:08
sledge hill Pankow vs. Plattenbau

Berlin 8

Bachelor phase 1 of 4, Berlin 8: A short visit to Pankow and the all-famous Plattenbauten of Berlins. These photos end the first of two days in Berlin. 2005-04-18 13:06
atomic reactor Spandau

Berlin 11

Bachelor phase 1 of 4: Berlin 11. Remember Spandau Ballet? As soon as I saw that Spandau is a district of Berlin, I wanted to go there. Also, I wanted to look how far the borders of Berlin are. 2005-04-18 20:21
destination: Vienna Heading Home

Berlin 15

Bachelor phase 1 of 4: Berlin 15. Heading home, the last pictures I did in Berlin. First some kind of flea market (does that term exist in English?) and then the Berlin East train station (Berlin Ostbahnhof). 2005-04-18 22:24
toleranz Alexanderplatz

Berlin 4

Bachelor phase 1 of 4: Berlin 4. The Alexanderplatz was the DDRs way of showing off. A bunch of huge, monumental buildings which don't really relate to each other put on one big place. Korneuburg could easily fit in the place... Big, huge, don't know how to describe it. 2005-04-17 01:02
Spandau train Day 2

Berlin 9

Bachelor phase 1 of 4: Berlin 9. My second and last day in Berlin starts. 2005-04-18 13:30
court 5 Beachchallenge 2007


Beachvolleyball challenge in Korneuburg 2007-10-03 15:09
small wheel 4 hours moped race


Because of bad wether, todays racers of the 4 hour moped race had a quite frustrating time. 2007-10-03 20:11
after 2 Lack und Leder Ball 2008, Preparations


Before we went to the Lack und Leder Ball 2008 in Leiben 2008-01-27 21:47
U2 Munich U2 at night


Being fascinated by long-exposure night shots, I tried my luck at various U2 stations. 2006-07-22 19:08
subway Münchner Oktoberfest 2006


Being in Munich end of September means attending the Oktoberfest as well. Hey, Hotelprices are way up, so that just has to be done, right? 2007-10-03 19:53
Schmetterling 4 Schmetterlingshaus


Besuch im Schmetterlingshaus in der Langen Nacht der Museen 2005-10-29 10:47
female blue Birgit Hofmann Perser


Birgit Hofmann has some Persian cats to sell. 2007-10-03 15:07
cat treppe Cat Session 2


Cat Session 2, Stockerau und Schotterbruch Großmugl 2007-10-03 15:46
Cindy and Lea Cindy and Felix

provided by Mandarin

Cindy is Mandarins cat, which runs around freely in her home-city. She also had a home for Felix, who parted from her before the previous millenium ended. This album is a suplement to the <a href="thread567.html">Katzenthread</a> 2006-04-23 15:27
nknoop, cseiwald, jtrojer HSF 4.0


Das 4. Happy Server Friends Treffen fand im Siebensternbräu statt. Wichtigster Punkt auf der Agenda: Unsere Security Probleme. 2006-11-22 22:33
thomas ziemlich voll Security Grillen 2004-08-21

Im Burgenland ist's gut Grillen

Das Security Team ist immer schwer am Arbeiten, so auch in den Ferien, wie diese Photos beweisen. 2004-09-09 22:21
Surveilance Stockerau Hospital Open Door


Day of the open door for the Stockerau Hospital, too. 2007-10-03 15:34
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