
Problem Collection


2006-03-29, 23.51:

Warning, but blinklist working anyway:

Warning: connect(): Can't connect to localhost:11211, Unknown error (0) in /home/blinklis/public_html/Includes/configuration.php on line 7

2006-03-23, 12.34:

Fully working again. Downtime 9 Minutes (2 useable)

Total 17 Minutes (2 useable).

2006-03-23, 12.32:

Warnings, but blinklist working anyway:

Warning: connect(): Can't connect to localhost:11211, Unknown error (0) in /home/blinklis/public_html/Includes/configuration.php on line 7

Warning: get(): cannot find connection identifier in /home/blinklis/public_html/Class/user.class.php on line 39

Warning: set(): cannot find connection identifier in /home/blinklis/public_html/Class/user.class.php on line 49

Warning: get(): cannot find connection identifier in /home/blinklis/public_html/Mytag/mytag.php on line 34

Warning: get(): cannot find connection identifier in /home/blinklis/public_html/Mytag/mytag.php on line 36

Warning: get(): cannot find connection identifier in /home/blinklis/public_html/Mytag/mytag.php on line 37

Warning: set(): cannot find connection identifier in /home/blinklis/public_html/Mytag/mytag.php on line 41

Warning: set(): cannot find connection identifier in /home/blinklis/public_html/Mytag/mytag.php on line 43

Warning: set(): cannot find connection identifier in /home/blinklis/public_html/Mytag/mytag.php on line 60

2006-03-23, 12.15:

Warning: connect(): Can't connect to localhost:11211, Unknown error (0) in /home/blinklis/public_html/Includes/configuration.php on line 7
DB Error: connect failed

2006-03-23, 11.16:

Working again, downtime: 8 Minutes.

2006-03-23, 11.13:

Warning: connect(): Can't connect to localhost:11211, Unknown error (0) in /home/blinklis/public_html/Includes/configuration.php on line 7

Warning: get(): cannot find connection identifier in /home/blinklis/public_html/Class/user.class.php on line 39

Warning: set(): cannot find connection identifier in /home/blinklis/public_html/Class/user.class.php on line 49

Warning: get(): cannot find connection identifier in /home/blinklis/public_html/Mytag/mytag.php on line 34

Warning: get(): cannot find connection identifier in /home/blinklis/public_html/Mytag/mytag.php on line 36

Warning: get(): cannot find connection identifier in /home/blinklis/public_html/Mytag/mytag.php on line 37

Warning: set(): cannot find connection identifier in /home/blinklis/public_html/Mytag/mytag.php on line 41

Warning: set(): cannot find connection identifier in /home/blinklis/public_html/Mytag/mytag.php on line 43

Warning: set(): cannot find connection identifier in /home/blinklis/public_html/Mytag/mytag.php on line 60
Select count(user) as Sizr from userlink where link = 1016428 [nativecode=1105 ** Unknown error]

2006-03-23, 11.08:

Warning: connect(): Can't connect to localhost:11211, Unknown error (0) in /home/blinklis/public_html/Includes/configuration.php on line 7
DB Error: connect failed

Last modified 2006-03-29 21:53 by rck